menu degustazione chef menu

In the Good Hands of Chefs Francesco and Guglielmo: The Chef Menu at Marzapane

The spirit of the Marzapane kitchen is best expressed through spontaneity, that moment when the chef meets ingredient, transforms it through technique and inspiration, before it’s plated and served. The new blind Chef Menu at Marzapane is a celebration of that fleeting sensation, and your table is the only guest at the party.

The new Chef Menu at Marzapane brings the kitchen closer, a lot closer. It’s not just a view of the kitchen, but an open dialogue with the chefs as they run the kitchen. The bar at the new Marzapane can seat about a dozen diners who sit directly facing the kitchen, an front-row seat to view the organized chaos that’s often concealed behind closed doors. Guests can hear the chefs communicating with each other and feel like their taking part in everything that’s going on; it’s like hanging out in the kitchen at your friend’s house, that same sense of familiarity, comfort, and attention to detail.

“As we take them through their meal, we can tell them about the farmers and producers and the stories behind the ingredients that make up their dish. It’s an experience that’s made-to-measure, and we get feedback on our dishes instantly, right from the source.”

“Through this menu,” explains Executive Chef Guglielmo Chiarapini, one half of the Executive Chef duo with Francesco Capuzzo Dolce at the helm of Marzapane, “we’re able to attend to every whim of the guest, every preference, intolerance or allergy, through direct conversation. As we take them through their meal, we can tell them about the farmers and producers and the stories behind the ingredients that make up their dish. It’s an experience that’s made-to-measure, and we get feedback on our dishes instantly, right from the source.”

There are no rules. No set number of dishes. All choices are left to the chefs’ discretion.

Expect some dishes to come from the a la carte menu and possibly a dish or two from off the list, inspired by a fresh ingredient picked up at the market or brought over by a producer. The only convention taken is the structure of savory dishes, from small plates and vegetables to pasta and meat, followed by a sweet dessert finish.

The Chef Menu is a guided experience, one where the guest puts his trust in the capable hands of Francesco and Guglielmo in the kitchen to be delighted and surprised, taken care of and fed well.

The Chef Menu is available Tuesday to Sunday from 12.30 alle 16. €65 per person, available for the entire table.